The Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technology as an Opportunity for Lublin’s Economy

Innovation development and competitiveness growth of the city of Lublin and the adjacent region through know-how flows and strengthening of cooperative links between companies, universities and institutions concerned with aviation technologies – those are the major goals of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technology established last year by the City Office of Lublin, the Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship and PZL-Świdnik. After successful completion of the organisational stage, the Cluster has entered the phase of active operations for the support and development of state-of-the-art aviation technologies in Lubelskie region. Further development plans for the Cluster were presented at
a conference held on 31st March in the Lublin City Hall.

“It is our ambition to make Lublin become the centre for innovation in the field of aviation technologies. The activities of the Cluster are an enormous opportunity to take advantage of the potential of our companies, institutions and universities with a view to improving the region’s competitiveness. I am happy to see that within less than a year after signing of the letter of intent, the idea of the cluster has resounded so widely and has developed so dynamically” says Krzysztof Żuk, the President of the City of Lublin.

The works on the development of Cluster’s operations gather pace. On 31st March the General Assembly of the Cluster’s members was held with the participation of the representatives of several dozens of companies from the region and representatives of the scientific community of Lublin, including the Maria Curie Skłodowska University, whose experts developed the assumptions for the Cluster’s strategy.

The role  of the coordinator and initiator of contacts with Lublin scientific, business and local government community in the Cluster was entrusted to PZL-Świdnik, which announced during today’s conference support to the operations of the Cluster with the allocation of several hundred thousand zlotys. This funding will enable, among others, development of Cluster’s structure and acquisition of new partners. The important role of PZL-Świdnik within the Cluster’s structure is not accidental and follows from the role played by the enterprise in the region’s economy. With the workforce of almost 3500 employees, including almost 630 engineers, PZL-Świdnik is one of the biggest employers and the most innovative company in Lubelskie region. Owing to extensive group of local sub-suppliers, being part of the supply chain comprising over 900 Polish companies, powerful commitment to transfer of state-of-the–art technologies and know-how into the region and export sales in excess of PLN 700 million, PZL-Świdnik is the key integrator and one of the driving forces behind the development of the economy of Lubelskie region.

“An excellent example of the integrating role of PZL-Świdnik is the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technology. We want to share our know-how and experience with a view to supporting the competitiveness of the region and SMEs operating with the territory of Lubelskie region. Single SMEs have very slim chances to acquire advanced technologies and to develop. The Cluster initiative affords opportunities, among others, for new jobs, additional incomes for the population and local governments” says Krzysztof Krystowski, the President of the Board and the Managing Director in PZL-Świdnik.  “We await with high hopes for a positive for us decision in the tender for the purchase of multirole helicopters for the Polish Armed Forces. Winning the tender would lend an enormous impulse making Lubelskie region the leading centre of modern aviation technologies on a global scale” he adds.

Besides the integration of the regional business, scientific and local government communities, the priorities of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technology also include cooperation with similar centres in Poland. During the conference in  the Lublin City Hall, there was the official signing of the agreement with the Silesian Aviation Cluster aimed  – among others – at joint use of good practice.

“The aviation sector has excellent traditions in Lubelskie region. This concerns in particular PZL-Świdnik, being the leader of modern composite technologies, which are also used by companies of our cluster. We are happy to be able to enhance our cooperation and exchange experiences. We also strongly cheer on the company in connection with the tender for the procurement of multirole helicopters for the Polish Armed Forces because Silesian companies hope for cooperating orders”– says Jarosław Bulanda, the Vice President of the Silesian Aviation Cluster.

Bożena Lublińska-Kasprzak, the President of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, who attended the conference, stressed the importance of clusters in the development of the competitiveness of the Polish economy. – Already for almost ten years we have performing diverse supporting, informative and training actions for the benefit of the clusters operating in Poland, including those in Lublin region. Research carried out by PAED demonstrates that clusters expect cooperation with regional authorities not only in the field of financial support but also as regards education, marketing, and promotion. This is particularly important in aviation sector, which develops globally. Such close cooperation, taking into account the needs of clusters in this industry, will contribute to recognisability of clusters and of the region not only domestically but also in the international arena. Today’s event is the best proof of the fruitful cooperation between Lublin region authorities and entrepreneurs.

The letter of intent on the establishment of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technology was signed on 17th April 2014 at the initiative of the City Office of Lublin, the Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship and PZL-Świdnik. The main goals of the Cluster include exchange of know-how, strengthening of the cooperative links between its members, innovation growth and consequently the development of the competitiveness of enterprises and of the region. The functioning of the Cluster is based on close collaboration between local government authorities, the scientific community and business environment. In a longer-term perspective, also supra-regional and international cooperation is possible.

The Silesian Aviation Cluster has been in operation for 8 years. The history of collaboration of the enterprises in aviation industry in Silesia dates back to 1980s. The leader of the Silesian Aviation Cluster – the BIELSKO Federation of Aviation Companies – was established naturally as an effect of real and specific cooperation of 15 private businesses, which were established in Bielsko-Biała region as a consequence of systemic transformation. Presently the cluster has over 50 members, including universities and business environment institutions.

Source: PZL Swidnik

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