Over the past couple of years BAA Training has worked on developing joint studies programs that involve two professions. This has been a recent trend in the industry as having a dual occupation gives future professionals an edge in the marketplace. One of the programs that BAA Training has recently developed along with Transport and Telecommunications Institute (TSI) in Latvia is Bachelor’s of Engineering Science in Aviation Transport and Commercial Pilot License studies. When you read the name of the program, it might become confusing as of what kind of jobs hide behind the name of the studies program. To clear this out a little bit, we are providing you a comprehensive list of the possible occupations that Bachelor’s of Engineering Science in Aviation Transport can give you. But remember that you are never limited to the list we are offering, but we would rather encourage you to look out for the path that is best for you!
First thing first – you know that you will have a pilot license in hand which means that there are a lot of opportunities for you to seek First Officer position at any airline and we have already written a number or articles helping you draft your application and interview plans. But if for any reason, you decide to continue with your Bachelor’s degree career, we have prepared you a good list of occupations you can steer towards.
So let’s begin with Airline Quality Compliance Monitoring Management which is the system that every single company related to aviation must have in place in order to meet auditing quality requirements. This type of job requires careful regulations, laws, and organizational processes analysis and understanding, because any systematic failures (training, performance) inside organization can expose company to corporate risk or aviation safety incident. Airworthiness is the measure of an aircraft’s suitability to fly safely. In order to work in this field, one has to understand engineering rigorousness, construction, and mandatory maintenance to be able to judge whether aircraft meets all the requirements. Airline Safety and Security Management requires an individual to set in place and maintain healthy organizational culture regarding the aviation safety, as it is of critical importance both in terms of accident / incident prevention and the financial performance of the industry.
This occupation requires thorough understanding of the safety systems and its practical application in everyday situations. Airline Flight Operations Management is a term describing Operations Control Center where Flight Dispatchers and other supporting flight personnel is located. This job requires highly responsible individual because tasks include a complete flight planning for domestic and international flights. Flight Dispatcher must understand flight planning, aircraft mass and balance, weather charts, have good understanding of mathematics for fuel calculations and many other numeric tasks. Airline Flight Planning and Coordination Management and Airline Flight Navigation and Support Management are closely related to optimization of all the flights that take place in various regions.
Flight planning is a lot more complicated than just sitting in a car and driving, because flight plans must be reviewed and approved at least an hour before the flight, and imagine that there are around 50,000 flights worldwide every day. And what about the cases when there are no-flying zones or dangerous zones? All that and a lot more must be taken into consideration, therefore a lot of smart people are needed to make those informed decisions. Post-flight Analysis and Monitoring is a fascinating occupation because it requires a highly analytical person who would be able to analyze, compare and suggest improvements of various flights after normal and abnormal operations. This is a place where one could provide a lot of food for thought on operations, design, and planning improvement. Are you up for the challenge?
A little different approach on work can be taken through Airline Technical Operations Centre job where the main focus is placed on the maintenance and repair of the aircraft. Usually, Engineering Science in Aviation Transport graduates find their perfect work in the office where they have to assure that certain processes are followed and final work is completed according to the standards and certifications. Taking a very different turn and talking more about the commercial side of the airline, Airline Commercial Management is another option for the graduate. This position holds a lot of responsibilities as its main task is to develop strategic plan which must entail recommendations for routes, timings, aircraft type and other product development which can maximize airline’s investment and growth in the region and worldwide. That is one heck of a job to do, but hey, isn’t that why you spent those years by the books? And just like any organization, airline is a business too and it must grow to retain its share in the market and sustain itself. So airlines always needAirline Business Development and Projects Coordinators to continue growing the sales and staying competitive. If your best attributes are finding the best opportunities in most unexpected places, then maybe become Airline Business Developer is your calling?
Looking for the job that is best for you and doesn’t ever feel like a job is tough, but you have made a huge step if you are already on your way of getting Bachelor’s of Engineering Science in Aviation Transport and Commercial Pilot License. So now focus on your studies and examine yourself, think of what is attracting your attention and where your passion lies and then gradually steer in that direction and look for the occupation that suits your needs!
Source: BAA Training
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