On August the 5th, 2016 the V Baltic Business Aviation Forum organized by the Russian United Business Aviation Association will take place in Jurmala, Latvia.
The forum program includes a number of events, in particular – a conference, a tour around Riga International Airport, visit to Business aviation center FBO RIGA.
The conference “Development of Business Aviation” will traditionally take place at the airport VIP-Center. This year the delegates will enjoy a comprehensive agenda. The planned presentations are dedicated both to general questions of industry development and practical aspects of aviation enterprises work.
A brief overview of the state of the industry in 2015 will be made on basis of civil aviation organizations official reports. In continuation of this topic a report on aviation development and business aviation market forecast will be given. Separate topic is dedicated to development of civil aviation in the Baltic states and at Riga International Airport.
In conclusion of the industry analysis there will be offered a comparison of business aviation market forecast and indicated its determining factors.
Practical aspects will comprise usage of ATOM, an IT-platform for business aviation and questions of marketing and service provision in business aviation.
Among speakers are – Anna Serezhkina, RUBAA Executive Director; Igor Kabashkin, Professor of Transport and Telecommunication Institute, President of the Latvian Transport Development and Education Association; Aurturs Kokars, Member of the Board, Latvian Aviation Association; Liene Freivalde, Aviation Services and Business Development Director, Riga International Airport; Michael Rusetski, co-owner, Mesotis Jets; Sergey Starkov, FCG Operations Department Manager; Andrey Kalinin, Managing Partner, Business Aviation Club.
The event is sponsored by Flight Consulting Group, FBO Riga, International Airport “Riga”, Rietumu Bank, NOBLE and is organized in partnership with FBO Experience and CEPA EXPO.
The Russian United Business Aviation Association invites all the interested specialists to take part in the V Baltic Business Aviation Forum.
Source: BBAF
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