Vilnius Airport is the Fastest Growing Airport in Eastern Europe

According to the international route development organisation Routesonline, the air capacity within and from Eastern Europe has risen by 97 per cent in the past ten years. Based on the company’s calculations, the fastest growing gateway in Eastern Europe between 2010 and 2014 was Vilnius International Airport of Lithuania.

“Constant growth of the number of flights and passengers is the major indicator of a successful operation of an airport which significantly contributes to a better accessibility of the country. We are glad it is recognized by the authoritative bodies of the European aviation. Such a growth rate is considerably higher compared to the development of airports of the neighbouring countries and is a highlight through the whole region of Europe – we can be proud of being the leaders of the region,” said Gediminas Almantas, Managing Director at Lithuanian Airports.

According to Mr. G. Almantas, the fast development of Lithuanian airports has a direct impact on economy growth of both individual regions of Lithuania close to the airports of the network and the whole country.

As reported by Routesonline, Vilnius International Airport has grown departure capacity by over 94 per cent over the five year period. This indicator was influenced by a constant development of the Lithuanian Airports, the growth in passenger traffic from both low-cost and legacy operators as well as the development of a new local carrier Air Lituanica.

In line with calculations of the Lithuanian Airports, the number of passengers serviced by the Vilnius International Airport has increased by 16.4 per cent compared to the same month last year. The growth of all the three airports – Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga – amounts to 13 per cent.

vilnius airport

Source: Vilnius Airport


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