Sky Service 2016 is a grandiose international event of civil Aviation, devoted to the development of services provided on board the aircraft. All the space of Sky Service 2016 event will be divided into thematic sections and special zones, namely exhibition, conference, seminars and presentations. Trainings and competitions on sales techniques will be organized for members of cabin crew. At the end of Event, guests will be able to continue their communication at Gala-dinner.
Forum goals in the interest of passengers:
Forum goals in the interest of the airlines:
The ISPY story began in 1999 when twenty eight crew representing fourteen airlines, came to London for two days to compete for the title of Inflight Sales Person of the Year. January 2015 saw 100 of the world’s greatest selling cabin crew from thirty five airlines, eight concessionaire and thirty two sponsor companies come together for four days of training, assessments, workshops, trade show and much much more. ISPY2016 looks like it will the biggest ISPY to date! Take a look around to see what has happened at previous ISPY events.
In case you are interested in the event you can find more information here.
Source: Aeromar
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