The first quarter of 2015 saw sky-high passenger figures at Chopin Airport and record financial results for its operator Polish Airports.
Traffic growth generated a 2.6% increase in revenues for Polish Airports, the company operating the airport. At the same time, as a result of restructuring, the costs went down by 22%. Consequently, Polish Airports’ EBIDTA totalled 72.2 million zlotys (up 63.5%), with the net profit amounting to 40.6 million zlotys, a 306.3% increase on the corresponding period of 2014.
Michał Kaczmarzyk, the general director of Polish Airports and director of Chopin Airport, said: “Polish Airports’ performance in 2015 exceeded the goals set in our annual plan and long-term projections. Thanks to the restructuring, we managed to reduce our operating costs by 20% and triple the net profit.”
The lower operating costs are mainly attributable to employment restructuring and workforce reduction of 800 full-time equivalents (the current employment is about 1,400 FTEs).
Costs are expected to rise in the second half of the year following the opening in May of Terminal A after the modernisation of the AB area. However, these will be offset by a parallel revenue increase from the new retail area, boasting 10 new bars and restaurants and 15 new shops, which means that the result at the end of the year is expected to remain high, reaching over 100 million zlotys in net profit.
“With this optimistic outlook, we can plan investment to increase Chopin Airport’s capacity to over 22 million passengers per year and actively participate in the infrastructure expansion at those regional airports in the Polish Airports group that are profitable,” said Michał Kaczmarzyk.
Source: Chopin Airport
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