With Embraer aircraft featuring in the fleets of many central European Operators Aviation Times talked with José Eduardo Costas to discuss Embraer’s view of the region.
What is Embraer’s view of the market in central Europe?
Despite the weakness in western economies, we see good prospects for Central Europe. With GDP annual growth rates above 3% over the next 3 years, Central Europe is a bright spot compared to the slow economic recovery countries in western Europe. Business aviation in central Europe may follow the current economic growth in the region.
Which aircraft are you finding as most popular in the region?
Currently, the great majority of the bizjet fleets in Central Europe are composed of light to medium jets. We don’t see any dramatic change in this profile in the medium-term. We believe that models in these jet classes will continue to be the most popular in region.
What changes do you see for the future?
In the short-to-medium term we see a slow growth of the global economy with focus shifting from emerging markets to US. In the business aviation arena we see not only the demand following the economic growth pattern but also a persistent gap between new and pre-owned aircraft prices (and inventory) with innovative models fueling demand. In the long-term we believe that the unbalanced and turbulent global economic scenario will continue. Sustainability, as a philosophy, will play an important role as the society will require it from companies who will be expected to show real actions towards social and environmental developments. Business aviation will face empowered, connected and more demanding users and a key driver to succeed in this environment will be technology-driven innovations encompassing OEMs, operators and passengers.
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