Russian Helicopters announced that Pyotr Motrenko has been appointed Managing Director of its Rostvertol subsidiary by Rostvertol’s Board of Directors at a meeting held in Rostov-on-Don on 7 June. Outgoing General Director Boris Slusar has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rostvertol, with Oboronprom CEO Dmitry Lelikov appointed Deputy Chairman.
Rostvertol’s Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM), also held in Rostov-on-Don on 7 June, approved the transfer to Russian Helicopters of the functions of Rostvertol’s sole executive body, previously carried out by Boris Slusar. Before his new appointment Pyotr Motrenko served as Deputy General Director for Finance, Commercial Issues and Reconstruction.
The appointments form part of Russian Helicopters’ continuing drive to streamline operational and management structures across the company, and to improve interaction between Russian Helicopters subsidiaries to increase the speed of decision-making and reduce delays.
“After completing the consolidation of Russia’s helicopter industry into Russian Helicopters, the process of reorganisation has entered a new phase,” Russian Helicopters CEOAlexander Mikheev said. “We will continue to build the new image of the sector by creating centres of excellence, modernising our production capacities, investing to create manufacturing and R&D clusters, and streamlining management structures and asset-management systems.”
“Rostvertol is one of Russian Helicopters’ key production assets,” Rostvertol Chairman Boris Slusar said. “The plant produces the latest Mi-28N(E) Night Hunter helicopter, the legendary Mi-35M gunship, and the world’s heaviest-lift transport helicopter – the Mi-26(T). It has consistently made a significant contribution both to the development of the Russian helicopter industry and to strengthening the industry’s standing on the global market. The changes made today will help Rostvertol continue to become more efficient as part of Russian Helicopters.”
The Rostvertol AGM also elected a new Board of Directors as follows:
Source: Russian Helicopters
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